Thursday, January 31, 2013

{twenty weeks}
well, it's official i have made it through half of my pregnancy!!! it's funny the number of people i talk to that say "wow, that went by so fast" not exactly the feelings i have but i do have a feeling that these next twenty week are going to FLY BY! we had our 20 week ultrasound this week where they did all the tests on our little peanut and i'm so happy to say he passed with flying colors! coming in at 14oz with a heartbeat of 149...i was surprised because his heart rate has been in the 160's but the doctor said it was totally normal! i still don't have any "cravings" although i pretty much could throw down mexican food at ANY time :) still getting sick but not as often and i am loving feeling my sweet boy in my belly. it's usually first thing in the morning or at night while laying in bed but also a few times during the day he will give me a few punches just to say "hi mama." no matter what kind of day i'm having it makes everything okay and i can't help but have a huge grin on my face! i am excited to enter into this new phase of my pregnancy! very soon we will be picking out all our nursery furniture and lots of other baby stuff but most importantly everyday is one day closer to meeting our little man! 

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